The demand for high quality products in today´s market is realized by BEKO TECHNOLOGIES through a high standard of quality work practised by all employees, state of the art components, and intense quality controls covering everything from raw materials to the final finished product. We have a stated objective at BEKO TECHNOLOGIES of lasting quality leadership.
For Everyone | Our Quality Policy
BEKO Technologies, Corp. is committed to:
- Manufacturing, selling, and servicing high quality products for the compressed air and gas industry,
- Meeting or exceeding our customers' expectations regarding our products and services, and
- Continuously improving the quality of products and services.
As a cornerstone of our business, we value your feedback, so please let us know how we are doing as it relates to any of the above. Our survey will take you less than three minutes to complete.

For Our Customers | Short Paths and Effective Processes
We are the partner with which our customers can achieve faultless quality. This not only applies to just our products, but also to the day-to-day collaboration. Our quality standard is intended to set the benchmark for which all users of compressed air technology can be guided by.
To be able to continuously provide first-class quality services in all corporate sectors, we have overcome the conventional thinking in terms of departments, and have substituted it with systematic, sequential operations. The individual processes are meshed in such a way that they offer maximum benefit to our customers. The tight and process-oriented organization and overall structure represent an essential constituent of our quality management. This also allows the implementation of individual solutions for our customers at the highest level. By means of regular audits, we continuously examine every established process with an eye on optimization possibilities.

For Our Suppliers | Fair and Reliable Partnerships
Utilizing absolutely faultless components is the only way to guarantee absolutely perfect products. We integrate our suppliers in our production processes and subsequently support them so that they can fulfill our high quality requirements with clear expectations.
We consider our suppliers to be important partners of our company. We promote their continuous improvement with on-site visits, and our regular supplier ratings serve to provide information on improvement potentials. In this way, we achieve higher profit for our customers, the reduction of costs, and we provide our partners with a reliable and clear basis for their own planning. Development projects are also carried out collaboratively with our customers. Only when our products are proven in rigorous field testing that they can meet our high quality standards, are they released for serial production.

For Ourselves | Highly Skilled Employees
Quality is a core competence and affects us all. It is the foundation of our path to success. Every individual is personally engaged and committed to the continuous improvement of our products and processes as well as promoting our colleagues.
All employees have access to our quality management system via our internal network. The regular process sequences are thus made transparent to our staff. In this manner, we want to make our employees more aware of our process objectives and ensure maximum safety every step of the way. The qualifications of our personnel throughout the world forms the basis for continuous improvement of our people, products, and the state-of-the-art management tools we employ.

Quality Certificates