Know-How | Training

The concept behind BEKO TECHNOLOGIES trainings in compressed air technology, which are directed to both customers and company employees, is an interactive program to become a true compressed air professional.  The design is deeply rooted in the exchange of experience and enhancing knowledge while supporting continuous learning.  Understanding compressed air treatment and technology as a singular unit is the primary target.  Thus, the learner will be enabled to advise the user concerning his compressed air application related to highest energy efficiency and quality matters. Getting into the basics of compressed air and its total treatment processes we follow with deep product knowledge, proper selection of involved components and finally end up with analysis and optimization of complex compressed air systems.

Compressed Air Basics e-Learning Course

The first step is easy to go from anywhere in the world with our eLearning course Basics of Compressed Air Technology. Not restricted by time and, simultaneously, dealing with the resources of the company and employees in an efficient and target-orientated manner. For all who comes in contact with compressed air.


Sales Experience Training Program

BEKO TECHNOLOGIES offers an amazing opportunity to broaden your knowledge and experience with our entire product line! Our Sales Experience Training program, or SET for short, offers attendees to learn from the best.  We provide in-depth, advanced product training on all product lines not done in the field with a focus on translating that knowledge into proven sales techniques.  To add even more value to your organization, we offer this training event either locally in your area or we can host at our facility in Atlanta, GA.
