E-Learning Course - Updated Modules
Foundations of Efficient Compressed Air Systems
Compressed Air Training
When it comes to getting the most productivity out of your employees, fundamental compressed air training is an essential factor. Sending a new employee to offsite training is a lengthy, costly, and often times a questionable effort to bring a new-hire up to speed within the compressed air industry. CAGI realizes the importance that learning and understanding the fundamentals of compressed air have on the effectiveness and integrity of compressed air sales and service professionals. Accordingly, CAGI introduces its recently updated E-Learning course that has been developed to be a valuable training resource for the compressed air industry.
What Students Will Learn
CAGI’s E-Learning course consists of seven, updated modules that thoroughly cover the fundamentals of compressed air using informative narration supported by clear pictures, illustrations, and videos. Each module is subdivided into short, manageable chapters with chapter summaries at the end of each chapter. A recall test at the end of each module will verify that the student understands the content. After completing this course, students will know and understand:
• The basic terminology and physics of compressed air, how compressors operate, and the function of the various systems operating within all types of compressors; both positive displacement and dynamic.
• The function of capacity control in matching supply to demand.
• The different types of air dryers, air filters, and condensate drains; their function, application and pros and cons.
• How equipment layout, different distribution systems, and storage affect system reliability, efficiency, and productivity.
• The importance of controlling waste in compressed air systems and how to achieve this control.
• How correct equipment installation and proper maintenance improve system reliability, efficiency, and productivity.
Accessing the Course
The updated E-Learning course is available through the Compressed Air & Gas Institute’s (CAGI) website. CAGI member distributors can take the course for $99, a 50% discount. When registering for the course, distributor employees need to use the following registration code d8ou5len to receive the $99 special rate. Students will have one full year access to the course to use as a refresher or resource. Copy the code d8ou5len and paste it into the form after clicking the link below to receive your discount.